教育学院 & 健康科学


Why Pursue a 组织领导文学硕士 at north central college?

Do you want to rise as a leader that creates meaningful change in your organization? 你在寻找新的构图方式吗, 方法, 解决模棱两可的问题,制定战略, 以证据为基础的决策? Do you need to hone your leadership skills so that you can develop, coach, and lead others?

The online 组织领导文学硕士 teaches students how to effectively develop and motivate employees, 解决问题, 并以身作则,引导和激励他人. 在立博在线体育的节目中, 学生学习和应用循证决策, 评估工具, 创造性地解决问题, 战略规划.

Our students are aspiring leaders and changemakers who want to lead with confidence. 他们认为,通过有效的培训, 适当的指导, 和反射, 他们可以通过帮助他人腾飞而成为一股向善的力量.




More and more employers are looking for leaders who have the ability to connect with people, 形成创造性的解决方案, 并适应困难和模棱两可的情况. 他们认识到软技能和特质, 比如创造力, 说服, 协作, 适应性, 时间管理, 是领导者成功的关键.

这些技能贯穿于立博在线体育的学位课程. 学生们学习创造力的原理, 包容, 人才发展, 数据分析, 并将这些概念应用到现实世界中.


  • 100%在线课程 提供了f灵活的课程设计,以适应学生繁忙的日程安排. 
  • 综合课程 这是面向未来的, 涵盖多元化和包容性等主题, 循证决策, 创新培训和发展, 以及领导力培训.
  • 虚拟领导会议 这将学生们联系起来,并让他们接触到领导力专家, 小组讨论, 网络的机会, 以及实践培训经验.


Through the 组织领导文学硕士 programs, students will be able to:

  • 善于表达 and apply theories of motivation, leadership and 人才发展
  • 应用 principles of conflict resolution and 协作 in their organizations and teams
  • 应用 ethical and legal principles and 循证决策 to solve dilemmas
  • 展示对多样性的理解, 公平与文化差异, and be able to utilize techniques to interrupt bias and create a culture of 包容
  • 善于表达, critique and use 人才发展 and training processes for the professional growth and development of themselves and their followers
  • 了解如何创造一种学习和发展的文化, and be able to craft development and strategic plans based on organizational and employee need
  • 运用关键的指导原则来领导和挑战他人


We know that our students want to grow and develop personally and professionally. We offer graduate students the online flexibility they demand with the personal touch they desire. Each student is assigned a faculty-coach who will work with them throughout the program. 这位教练每学期将与立博在线体育的学生一对一会面, 帮助他们建立新的联系,成长为领导者.

立博在线体育的学生将在网上看到和听到他们的教授, in both video lectures and occasional synchronous sessions with 同学们. They will also have the opportunity to connect and engage with faculty, 同学们, and other professional leaders during our Weekend 领导会议.



研究生有资格获得最高20美元的奖学金,500 in the federal direct unsubsidized loan annually; this includes Fall, 春天, 和夏季学期.

North Central offers several scholarships and awards to help reduce tuition costs by up to 20%!

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在秋季,夏季或春季学期开始你的学位! Click below for more information regarding deadlines and application instructions. 



至少36学时:核心课程15学时, 15 credit hours in Organizational 领导 courses and six credit hours of electives.






学生 are required to attend one 领导会议 or approved alternative experience. The annual 领导会议 provides students the space to take the principals of leadership theory that they learned in the virtual classroom and come together with faculty, 同学们 and professional leaders to learn how they can place those principals into real practice. 会议与具体课程没有联系, 而是, focuses on students' career and personal development and addresses the emerging trends in leadership.

Panel discussions will focus on a range of trending and relevant topics in leadership today. 一些例子包括:

  • 内隐偏见
  • 人分析
  • 意会
  • 公司董事会中的女性领导者


Developing and honing leadership skills require constant training and intentional practice. The annual 领导会议 provides the space to take the principals of leadership theory learned in the classroom and come together with faculty, 同学们, and professional leaders in a virtual setting to place those principals into real practice. 会议与具体课程没有联系, 而是, focuses on career and personal development and addresses the emerging trends in leadership.


The virtual conference connects students with other leaders and gives an opportunity to develop, 实现, 并分析创新领导力项目. There will be opportunities to work as a team to share takeaways and discuss how these innovative programs can be applied. 

Topics will include engaging 小组讨论 with expert faculty and industry leaders on the issues and challenges that leaders face in today's environment. 


Panel discussions will focus on a range of trending and relevant topics in leadership today. 一些例子包括:

  • 内隐偏见
  • 人分析
  • 意会
  • 公司董事会中的女性领导者


  • The virtual 领导会议 will take place over a weekend to coordinate with working professionals' schedules. 
  • 学生将不会因出席而被收取学费/费用.
  • 学生可以参加的会议数量没有限制.


An organizational leadership degree will set you on the path to success and help you advance your career in a fast-growing industry. Regardless of your position or rank, you will discover how you can lead where you are.

Organizational leaders can make an impact in a variety of work settings, including:

  • 咨询公司
  • 公司
  • 政府机构
  • 高等教育
  • 非营利组织
  • 智库


  • 企业招聘
  • 人力资源
  • 内部和外部管理咨询和分析
  • 知识管理
  • 领导力培训与发展
  • 学习或培训部门
  • 组织发展
  • 性能改进
  • 策略转变及规划
  • 人才管理


"My degree has taught me best practices of leadership and how to become more equitable in my process."



"I will be able to grow within my current organization and be a better leader. "



“通过我的工作, I am fortunate enough to stay engaged and involved with Naperville and North Central. The ability to state that I am a North Central alum not only shows involvement with our community, 它显示了追求卓越的承诺. 我有太多立博体育平台的骄傲! I am thrilled to say that I continue to interact with the college professionally, and the ability to state that I am a North Central alum is an opportunity I will never pass up!"

Kaylin Risvold, 19岁
